4 Tricks Change The Dark Room At Home Becomes Brighter
If you have a dark room at home, because of the lack of outside lighting or lies in the challenging angle of the sun, the first thing you have in mind is to paint it in white. However, giving white color to a dark room is not the only solution.
You need to know tips and tricks on how to arrange the interior of a dark room. Quoted from Oliinteriordesign on Tuesday (10/07/2018), here are some ways to get around the dark room at home.
1. Choose Bright Colors
Bright colors are not just white. You can choose other colors like peach, beige, gray, and vanilla for the wall of the house. This color choice will make your room brighter and feel more spacious.
2. Shiny Wallpaper
In addition to wall color, you usually get around by using wallpaper. Paste colors that are shiny and bright. Shiny color options on the wallpaper will give you more light reflections so your dark room is brighter.
3. Add a Great Mirror
In order for your dark room to appear brighter, place a large mirror on one side of the wall. You can put the big mirror across from the existing window of the room. The smaller the window size, use the glass with the larger the size.
4. Artificial Light
You can add reflected lights to the wall. The lights will bounce light the room. Select also bright wall color to give more light to the room.