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Tutorial How To Clean The Printer Correctly

Tutorial How to Clean the Printer Correctly Tutorial How to Clean the Printer Correctly
Laptops, computers, and printers are some of the equipment for doing business and work. Without these tools, it might hamper your daily performance.

One of them is a printer. Usually the printing equipment is often problematic. Well, the masalah arises because of damage to the cartridges and toner. If it is damaged, of course there is a decrease in the quality of the prints. As a result, it will hamper your work, right?

Not to mention, if it is damaged, you must bring it to be repaired and you must be willing to spend more to fix a printer. Remember, if it's broken it's not cheap. Therefore, it's a good idea to take care of the printer and cartridges and toner so that it still provides optimal results for the job. Well, now I will give you some cartridge troubleshooting tips on the printer.

↪ However, before entering the printer maintenance steps. The first thing to pay attention to is the type of printer, whether you are using an inkjet printer (infusion) or a laser printer. Knowing the differences between the two is very important before taking care.

The laser printer basically has a printing system that is almost the same as an inkjet printer. However, laser printers use laser light to print using dry ink or toner from the cartridge. For a laserjet printer, when the print starts to look unclear or blur one solution is to buy a new cartridge.

However, when your printout produces striped prints, that is because the cartridges need cleaning. It's easy!

↪ First, you must remove the cable and paper in the printer. Unlike printers usually that use infusion (inkjet), laser printers only open and remove cartridges from the printer. After that, place the cartridge on paper.

While removed, try cleaning the inside of the printer using a clean cloth. Because the printer uses dry ink, the remaining ink is easier to clean.

For the roller part, you must use cotton with alcohol carefully and slowly. After the roller and the inside of the printer are clean, don't forget to clean the outside of dust and other dirt.
↪ The selesai step is to replace the parts of the printer and connect them to a PC, then do a print test several times so that the debris remains on the cartridge.
Tutorial How to Clean the Printer Correctly Tutorial How to Clean the Printer Correctly

If paper jam occurs on your laser printer, do not forcibly remove the paper without first removing the toner cartridge. This method can damage even make the cartridge leak.

↪ Make sure the original cartridge, Most printers are damaged by using fake cartridges. Yep, can't be denied, now there are many fake cartridges with cheap prices but don't promise optimal performance.

As happened to fake cartridges from HP. Most are print cartridges that are refilled or reproduced which are packaged in unauthorized or fake HP packaging that is not comparable to genuine HP cartridges.

Though, using genuine HP toner cartridges has more advantages. Remember, there are quality items.

The original HP toner cartridge is designed to provide optimal performance from the start. In addition, the print quality is very perfect even in detail. Not only that, the Original HP Toner is able to produce more than 16.5 million color combinations. Original Toner HP also uses 5.8 million light pulses to print one image.

Using genuine toner cartridges can support your business and work performance. Then, you can avoid wasteful reprints of flawless costs and performance and the quality of your desired HP, something that can't be matched yet.