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Believe It Or Not, Danish People Picnic To The Cemetery

 local Danish people picnic to the cemetery Believe it or not, Danish People Picnic to the Cemetery
Believe it or not, local Danish people picnic to the cemetery. For them, this old cemetery is not a scary place, instead it becomes a place for sightseeing.

It's not wrong if Denmark ranks third in the world's happiest country after Finland and Norway. How not to be happy, in this country the grave can be a tourist place.

An old cemetery in the center of Copenhagen, Assistens Cemetery, is indeed one of the famous tourist destinations. detikTravel visited this place last week.

Inside, there is the tomb of a famous writer, Hans Christian Andersen. Little Mermaid's classic fairy tale is one of its legendary works..
 local Danish people picnic to the cemetery Believe it or not, Danish People Picnic to the Cemetery

However, tourists who visit this tomb generally do not want to make a pilgrimage. They prefer to take a walk, or just calm down by sitting on a park bench that is widely available in the midst of lush trees that shelter this grave.
In the morning and evening, the paths in the cemetery are also a favorite location for jogging. Clean and neat, so far from being haunted and comfortable enough to explore alone.

 local Danish people picnic to the cemetery Believe it or not, Danish People Picnic to the Cemetery

Unfortunately, this grave is not open 24 hours. The iron gate that fenced the entrance was closed at night, and was opened again around 7:00 a.m. It doesn't matter, anyway, who wants to go to the midnight grave?

The location of this grave is in the middle of a settlement in the urban area of Norrebro district. Less than 2.5 km from Frederiksberg Park which is no less beautiful. Around this place there are also a lot of cafes and contemporary hangout places among local youth.