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How To Make Money From Taboola Sponsored Links

How to Make Money from Taboola Sponsored Links How to Make Money from Taboola Sponsored Links
I’ll teach you how to make money from Taboola sponsored links.  Just like other advertising company, you can monetize your blog traffic by placing contents recommendations from Taboola.com. read more to discover how to signup for Taboola,  approval process and Taboola payment.

↪ What is Taboola? 

Taboola is a content discovery platform that allows web publishers like website or blog owners to monetize their web traffic through contents recommendations. Just like Google AdSense, they are Pay Per Click advertising network.  They pay publishers once their readers click the recommended articles.

If you are a regular online news reader,  you’ll see something like "Articles around the web recommended by Taboola" or "You May Like" below the main news article.

These suggested articles look like related articles to the main article. They are actually paid contents by others and the owner of the website will make money when you click and read the recommended articles.

Do you want to make money from Taboola?  If yes, read on…

↪ Requirements to Join Taboola Network

There are stringent requirement before you can get approval to join Taboola advertising network.  I’ll try to explain them below :

1. Taboola Minimum Traffic.
You need a blog or website with minimum of 500,000 pageviews every month. but, this can't be used as a fixed benchmark. considering Taboola now has several branches throughout the country.
This traffic criteria will probably make so many publishers especially new ones not to be eligible to join Taboola. Meeting the traffic requirements does not mean automatic approval to join Taboola.

2. Taboola Traffic Requirements.
Your blog traffic have to sasaran at least 60% US readers since most of their advertisers are domiciled in the US.

↪ Taboola Signup and Approval Process

There are two important things you’ll need to signup with Taboola. These are your email address and your website OT blog URL.

Please note that Taboola approval is a manual process.  There’s no signup form on their website.  Interested publishers can only request for approval via a contact form on their website.

How to Make Money from Taboola Sponsored Links How to Make Money from Taboola Sponsored Links
Once you are sure that your website or blog have the traffic requirements,  simply visit their website, fill your information on the request contact form. They will ask you about your website.  Response is about 2-4 days. If they are interested about your website,  they may request you to fund them with more information about your site.

↪ How to put Taboola on your site 

Once you get Taboola approval,  you can integrate their code below the post on your blog or website for contents recommendations to appear.  You can do this through Taboola official plugin. You can now begin to make money from each clicks.

It’s easier to make more money from Taboola because of their high cost per click (CPC) and high click through rate (CTR).

↪ Taboola Payment Method

Taboola pay their publishers through Payoneer.  So signup for Payoneer Account if don’t have the account already. Once the money entered your account,  you can withdraw it using Payoneer MasterCard or you can transfer to your Local Bank Account.

For now payments from Taboola to Payoneer Account will be made within Net45 days, and no minimum amount will be transferred by Taboola.

Here's the Proof of Transfer from Taboola to my Payoneer account
How to Make Money from Taboola Sponsored Links How to Make Money from Taboola Sponsored Links
Hope this guide was helpful.