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How To Remove Bloatware On Android?

As an Android user, you must have felt confused about the number of applications installed on the smartphone. At some point, you don't know the reason why you have installed the latest application or game on the Google Play Store.

 you must have felt confused about the number of applications installed on the smartphone How to remove bloatware on Android?

In fact, the application or game is very rarely used, especially the default application or bloatware. In the past vendors did not allow users to uninstall Bloatware, now you can do that easily and without rooting your Android device.

This way, you don't have to bother activating the Super-User system before deleting the default application. Check out the following brief review.
  1. Before starting, make sure you have downloaded and installed the CCleaner application from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the application and tap the third line in the upper left corner of the application to bring up the sajian options, and select App Manager.
  3. Select the System tab and tap the bloatware application that you want to delete from the smartphone.
  4. Click the Uninstall button to continue. Remember, deleting the default application might cause some problems with the Android system.

How, easy enough right? Good luck!