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How To Install A Tracking Device On A Smartphone

How to Install a Tracking Device on a Smartphone How to Install a Tracking Device on a Smartphone
Installing a tracking device on a smartphone is usually to make us closer to people we love, such as family, relatives, lovers or other closest people.

Generally, individuals who often install tracking devices on smartphones are parents, one of which is aimed at maintaining or monitoring their children. Smartphone tracking devices are often needed to find out the existence of the baby, especially in an emergency.

Then, how do you install a tracking device on a smartphone? Here are 2 methods for installing a tracking device on a smartphone, as AllTutorials.info summarizes from various sources.

↪ Download the Tracker Application
The development of technology today, makes many developers design tracking applications. If you use a smartphone with GPS features such as an iPhone or an Android device, you can find a number of tracking applications on the Google Play Store or Apple App store.

Some examples of tracking applications are Pocket-Nanny, Google Latitude, Mobiwee, and iLocalis. After downloading the tracking application on your smartphone, then download the same application on the smartphone that you are tracking.

The goal is that your smartphone is connected to a smartphone that you will track so that you can monitor the presence of loved ones at any time.
Besides being used to track the whereabouts of smartphones, it can also be set to install a security lock so that when your smartphone is lost, it cannot be accessed by others.

↪ Install Software
Reported on the Wikihow page, there is also a tracking software by pairing the device on a smartphone that you will track. You can buy additional tracking software on buying and selling sites like Amazon.com.

After you find the desired tracking software, review the specifications and also the features that the tracking device has.

There are several devices that can be connected from a smartphone to a computer program. When you have started using a tracking device, look at the instructions.

Usually you can see the movements being tracked like in the picture below, which can be seen from the computer.
How to Install a Tracking Device on a Smartphone How to Install a Tracking Device on a Smartphone