5 Benefits Of Nettle Leaves From Treating Acne Until Expelling Dandruff
Maybe you often hear some of the benefits of medicinal plants and herbs that can be used. Unlike other types of plants, Nettle Leaves or often called Stinging Nettles are plants that you want to get rid of because they can make the skin become red spots if you hit it. In addition, nettle leaves also have tremendous benefits for your skin and hair.
It turned out that many of the ingredients possessed stinging nettle leaves. Namely anti-inflammatory compounds, vitamin B, and protein sources. In addition, this leaf type has astringent properties that can treat various skin problems, such as acne, chicken pox, eczema, and insect bites.
Here are the 5 benefits that make nettle leaves so good for your skin and hair
? Let's explore as reported by Boldsky, Tuesday (09/18/2018).
↪ 1. Treating Acne.
Dry stinging nettle leaves are usually used in treating acne
or smallpox. This leaf is also used as a tonic for oily skin and acne.
↪ 2. Amazing anti-aging properties.
Nettle leaves prevent DNA damage in a person's body and also increase blood circulation in your body, which can help slow down the aging process
↪ 3. Repairing Hair Skin from Dandruff.
Not only the skin on the body, stinging nettle leaves also improve hair health in many ways, one of which is to get rid of dandruff problems. You simply mix a few dried leaves with a little mustard oil and apply them to the hair. Allow it to stay overnight and wash it in the morning for amazing results.
↪ 4. Prevent Hair Loss.
Many people use dry stinging nettle leaves to deal with hair loss
. You only need to crush it until smooth and then apply and massage on your scalp. Besides stopping hair loss, this also helps strengthen hair and make it healthier from the inside.
↪ 5. Helps Hair Growth.
Now, this is nothing new. You need to know, nettle leaves have been shown to stimulate hair regrowth because they are rich in belerang and silica which are known for hair growth. All you need to do is wash your hair with nettle leaf extract. Another benefit is to add luster to your hair while making strong hair at the same time.