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Natural Acne Medications From Kendall Jenner

Natural Acne Medications from Kendall Jenner Natural Acne Medications from Kendall Jenner
As one of the world's celebrities, it's natural, very natural, that Kendall Jenner appeared almost always perfect on many occasions with a combination of fashion and makeup, as well as the charisma of the 22-year-old woman.

So perfect, you might not realize that Kendall might have the same skin problems as you, namely the appearance of pimples on the face. Then, how does this famous model drive away the interference?

Despite many luxurious treatments, Kendall, as quoted from brightside.me, Monday, October 29, 2018, more often chooses natural ingredients that can be made alone to deal with acne.
Want to follow this treatment? How easy You only need 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, and one teaspoon of honey. All of these ingredients only need to be mixed and applied to stubborn zits, not the whole face.

Leave this natural mask overnight and rinse with clean water in the morning. Try to prove for yourself how this Kendall Jenner-style acne medication is effective on your face. So, will you try?