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Tips On How To Activate The Night Mode Feature On An Android Smartphone

Tips on How to Activate the Night Mode Feature on an Android Smartphone Tips on How to Activate the Night Mode Feature on an Android Smartphone
Most Android users certainly don't know that the blue light emanating from the screen of a smartphone, tablet or computer screen can make the eyes tired. To overcome this, some smartphone vendors present a special feature into the device, namely Night Mode or Reading Mode.

Curious about how or looking for the Night Mode or Reading Mode feature on your device? Please refer to the following short tips :
  1. Open the Settings application on your device.
  2. Look for the 'Display' hidangan on the main page of Settings, or you can type the word in the search box.
  3. In the 'Display' menu, you can find an option called Night Mode or Reading Mode.

Use a Third Party Application
If your device does not provide these features directly in it, there is a way. One way to do this is to download third-party applications available on the Google Play Store.

Some applications can be selected, including Blue Light Filter, Night Mode, Blue Light Filter & Night Mode, and many more.

Good luck guys!