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Srariat our companions, as described by Amrullah Ahmad in the article Understanding Islamic Da'wah, that the mission was an attempt calling on people to the way of Allah (Islam) to make changes in a positive direction that pleases God; of culture of ignorance toward islamiyah culture, from straying menutu straight path (sirathal mustaqim) with the ultimate goal is to achieve the salvation of the world and the hereafter. In this case the destination in question are related to efforts to affect the entire sphere of human life, including how to think, act, and berperiaku in life individua daily and also in the life sosiokulturalnya in order to realize the values ​​and Islamic teachings into the entire line of their lives.
Purpose as above is actually an attempt to foster the community to change dala themselves, berkelakua well, can be fair, both on personal matters as well as families and communities, resulting in a change of paradigm way of thinking taught by Islam towards changing the way of life or the way they run their lives. Change is exactly what is expected from the essence of the purpose of propaganda Islamiyah.
With regard to the purpose of propaganda, of course, can not be separated from the Prophet which is a carrier apostle preaching mission of the Lord of hosts. He brought the sacred mandate assigned to merubaha human morals. The changes are intended morals of the Qur'an itself, because Al-Qur'an is a guide of human life. If people want to cling to the essence of the teachings of the Koran, then they will not be lost forever as mentioned in the hadith:
تَرَكْتُ فِيْكُمْ أَمْرَيْنِ لَنْ تَضِلُّ أَبَدًا مَا إِنْ تَمَسَّكْتُمْ بِهِمَا: كِتَابَ اللهِ وَسُنَّةَ رَسُوْلِهِ
“I am leaving among you two things, you will not go astray forever sema sticking to both the Book of Allah (Qur'an) and the Sunnah of His Prophet (hadith).”

It is clear that by adhering to the Qur'an and the Hadith, then humans can survive this world and hereafter. Thus, the purpose of propaganda Islamiyah is to change people towards a better and pleases God will be achieved.
In general, the purpose of propaganda as mentioned in the Qur'an as follows:
a.       Dakwah aims to establish the religion of Allah and to unite the people. It is mentioned in the Qur'an Surah As-Syuraayat verse 13:
"He (God) has mensyariatkan unto religion that has diwasiatkan unto Noah and that which We have revealed to you (Muhammad) and that which We have wasiatkan to Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, namely Establish the religion (faith and piety) and do not you broken to pieces in it. It's very hard for the idolaters (to follow) the religion you call out to them ... "
b.      Dakwah aims to encourage people to worship Allah and not associate him. On this subject contained in Suarah Ar-Ra'd verse 36 as follows:
"People who we have given the book to them, were delighted with the book revealed to you, and among factions allied Jews no denying in part. Say, "I am simply commanded to worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him, in Him I cried (human) and to Him I return.
c.       Dakwah aims to restore human nature, propaganda always summoned and lead humanity towards the straight path. It's as contained in the al-mu'minoon paragraph 73 below:
"And thou (Muhammad) is really calling them to the straight path.”
d.      The purpose of propaganda that turn hearts hardened and dead, in order that they accept Islam and obey it. That is because, people who berahlak derajadnya lower low then the eyes of God than the animals. Therefore, by propaganda Islamiyah it is expected that the liver would re-open to the guidance of Allah SWT. Allah says in Surah Al-Anfal verse 14:
"O ye who believe, fulfill God's call and the call Apostle when Rasul menyerumu to something that gives life to you ..."
Meanwhile, if viewed from the aspect of its function, the propaganda islamiyam according Pimay approximately Awaludin had two objectives, namely general and specific. The general aim of propaganda is to save people from the valley of darkness and brought into the bright (Islam), to save them from the wrong path towards the straight path (monotheism), it kesmuanya ranga achieve happiness in this world and hereafter. While the specific purpose of propaganda correspond to today's conditions are:
1.      Realize the teachings of Islam kaffah (holistic) so as to realize a community that upholds the values ​​of Islamic religious life.
2.      Controlling the religious continuity in order to avoid irregularities in the running of religion.
3.      Realizing the Muslim community to dibanggakandalam order of national and state life, living in harmony and mutual respect so as to create communities that baldatun toyyibatun warobbun ghafur.