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5 Fruits Should Be Often Eaten During Ramadhan

5 Fruits Should Be Often Eaten During Ramadhan | The month of Ramadhan is not complete without eating fruits. Fruits are recommended to eat every day, both when breaking the fast and dawn. All kinds of fruit are very good to eat during Ramadhan, but there are some fruits that deserve special recognition.

As reported by Business Insider, Wednesday (23/05/2018), fruits that must be consumed have good health benefits. Your body will stay fit after eating the fruits.

1. Cucumber

Cucumber is one of the best hydration fruits. Cucumber also consists of water and fiber that aids digestion. The fruit is also cholesterol-free and saturated fats.

Each bite provides nutrients with vitamin K, B6 and iron. Cucumber can be served in the form of slices when breaking the fast or mixed on a salad.

For a smoothie lover, you can make a mixture of yogurt with shredded cucumber with garlic, mint, salt, and a few drops of vinegar as well as olive oil. Green fruit is also so much more enjoyable to eat.

2. Banana

 Fruits Should Be Often Eaten During Ramadhan 5 Fruits Should Be Often Eaten During Ramadhan
Bananas are rich in potassium and contain good protein and fiber content. Potassium plays a role in maintaining fluid levels in the body and regulate the movement of nutrients, waste products into and out of cells.

Bananas are also a good source of energy. This fruit also helps reduce stress, improve mood, cure boils, and heartburn.

3. Watermelon

Watermelon is rich in fiber and a lot of water content. This fruit can be a good thirst release when breaking fast. Watermelon can be served in slices or made into a fresh smoothie.

4. Kurma

 Fruits Should Be Often Eaten During Ramadhan 5 Fruits Should Be Often Eaten During Ramadhan

Kurma are rich in vitamins, minerals, energy, sugar, and good fiber. Despite its small size, Kurma can keep you full longer and as a protection against heart disease.

5. Papaya

Eating papayas during Ramadhan is good for health. Papaya is rich in fiber, low in calories, has fewer sugar levels, improves digestion, and is beneficial for healthy hair and skin.

The best way to serve papaya is to cut the small size, then store it in the refrigerator. Papaya is also a form of healthy snacks and delicious when breaking the fast.