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Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Owl City - Dental Care

Owl City
"Dental Care"

I brush my teeth, and look in the mirror
Aku menyikat gigiku, dan bercermin

And laugh out loud as I'm beaming from ear to ear
Tertawa terbahak-bahak saat ku berseri dari indera pendengaran ke telinga
I'd rather pick flowers, instead of fights
Aku lebih suka memetik bunga, daripada berkelahi
And rather than flaunt my style
Bukannya memamerkan penampilanku
I'd flash you a smile, of clean pearly whites
Aku akan memberimu senyuman semurni mutiara

I've been to the dentist a thousand times so I know the drill
Aku sudah ke dokter gigi seribu kali jadi saya tahu bor
I smooth my hair, sit back in the chair
Aku merapikan rambutku, duduk di kursi
But somehow I still get the chills
Tapi entah kenapa saya masih kedinginan

"Have a seat" he says pleasantly
"Silakan duduk," katanya dengan ramah
As he shakes my hand, and practically laughs at me
Saat beliau menjabat tanganku, dan hampir menertawakanku
"Open up nice and wide" he says peering in
"Buka perlahan dan lebar," katanya sambil mengintip
And with a smirk he says "Don't have a fit, this'll just pinch a bit"
Dan dengan menyeringai ia berkata, "Jangan tegang, ini hanya menyerupai cubitan"
As he tries not to grin
Dia mencoba tidak tersenyum

When hygienists leave on long vacations
Ketika mahir kesehatan pergi berlibur panjang
That's when dentists scream and lose their patience
Saat itulah dokter gigi berteriak dan kehilangan kesabaran

Talking only brings the toothaches on,
Berbicara hanya menyebabkan sakit gigi,
Because I say the stupidest things
Karena saya menyampaikan hal yang paling bodoh
So if my resolve goes South
Kaprikornus jikalau tekad ku menuju Selatan
I'll swallow my pride with an aspirin, and shut my mouth
Aku kan menelan harga diri ku dengan aspirin, dan menutup verbal ku

Golf and alcohol don't mix
Golf dan alkohol tidak bercampur
And that's why I don't drink and drive
Itulah sebabnya saya tidak minum sambil menyetir
Because, good grief I'd knock out my teeth,
Karena, ya ampun, saya dapat merontokkan gigiku,
And have to kiss my smile goodbye
Dan harus mencium senyum selamat tinggal ku

I've been to the dentist a thousand times so I know the drill
Aku sudah ke dokter gigi seribu kali jadi saya tahu bor
I smooth my hair, sit back in the chair
Aku merapikan rambutku, duduk di kursi
But somehow I still get the chills
Tapi entah kenapa saya masih kedinginan

Artis: Adam Young
Album: Ocean Eyes
Dirilis: 2009
Genre: Dance/elektronik, Pop elektro

Sumber https://komkill.blogspot.com/