Terjemahan Lirik Lagu | Aira Yuuki - Violet Snow
Aira Yuuki
"Violet Snow"
(Soundtrack of Violet Evergarden)
[Verse 1]
Life is a journey, feelings of hopelessness
Life is a journey, feelings of hopelessness
Hidup bagai sebuah perjalanan, rasa putus asa
Loneliness, she'll fix them all away
Loneliness, she'll fix them all away
Kesepian, ia akan memperbaiki semuanya
Able, graceful and she always keeps her promises
Able, graceful and she always keeps her promises
Sanggup, anggun dan ia selalu menepati janjinya
Every ending has a new beginning
Every ending has a new beginning
Setiap simpulan mempunyai awal baru
Unexpected things will happen
Unexpected things will happen
Hal yang tak terduga akan terjadi
There'll always be a silver lining
There'll always be a silver lining
Akan selalu ada hikmahnya
Time heals all sorrows, get all that? No worries
Time heals all sorrows, get all that? No worries
Waktu sembuhkan semua duka, sema itu? Jangan cemas
Cause nothing is more precious than love, noble, faithful
Cause nothing is more precious than love, noble, faithful
Karena tidak ada yang lebih berharga dari kasih, mulia, setia
She's as pure as the driven snow
She's as pure as the driven snow
Dia semurni salju yang tertiup angin
Oh, dear heart's so sweet
Oh, dear heart's so sweet
Oh, kasih hatimu begitu manis
[Verse 2]
Is our world bright?
[Verse 2]
Is our world bright?
Apakah dunia kita terang?
No darker thought can seize anything
Tak ada kegelapan yang dapat merampas sesuatu
A precious beauty, my one and only
A precious beauty, my one and only
Kecantikan berharga, miliku satu-satunya
She's not only gentle but strange
She's not only gentle but strange
Dia bukan hanya lembut tapi juga aneh
With earnest eyes, it's true
With earnest eyes, it's true
Dengan mata tulus, itu benar
[Verse 3]
Lost in the labyrinth
[Verse 3]
Lost in the labyrinth
Tersesat di labirin
Never know what love means
Never know what love means
Tak pernah tahu artinya cinta
Cause truly that precious, innocent mind
Cause truly that precious, innocent mind
Karena benar berharga, anutan yang polos
"No fears, no tears"
"No fears, no tears"
"Tak takut, tak ada air mata"
She whispers to me, “and stay alive”
She whispers to me, “and stay alive”
Dia berbisik kepadaku, "dan tetaplah hidup"
Oh, dear, have some faith
Oh, dear, have some faith
Oh, kasih, kamu punya keyakinan
Time heals all sorrows, get all that? No worries
Waktu sembuhkan semua duka, semua itu? Jangan cemas
Cause nothing is more precious than love, noble, faithful
Cause nothing is more precious than love, noble, faithful
Karena tidak ada yang lebih berharga dari kasih, mulia, setia
She's as pure as the driven snow
She's as pure as the driven snow
Dia semurni salju yang tertiup angin
Oh, dear heart's so sweet
Oh, dear heart's so sweet
Oh, kasih hatimu begitu manis
Artist: Aira Yuhki
Album: Violet Evergarden: Automemories
Released: 2018
Genre: Anime
Translated by: Andik Arditya
Sumber https://komkill.blogspot.com/