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6 Habits That Make Your Diet Fail

 Usually being overweight occurs when the body consumes more calories than burning it 6 Habits That Make Your Diet Fail
Usually being overweight occurs when the body consumes more calories than burning it. According to KlikDokter, Tuesday, October 23, 2018, in 2016, 20.7 percent of people over the age of 18 in Indonesia had obesity.

The more people cannot control body weight, the more important it is to be more aware and aware of it. One effective way to reduce weight is to go on a diet. Many people think, obesity is only caused by eating excessive food. However, lack of willingness and good self-control can also be another factor. You still don't get the ideal body weight.

Have tried as much as possible, but your diet hasn't been successful yet? You think there must be something wrong with the application. Eits, not necessarily. Try to look at a row of habits that turned out to be able to thwart the diet.

↪ Skip Breakfast.
Breakfast is the most important food all day. Skipping breakfast tends to make you eat more during the day and night. This hunger even makes you want to eat snacks. So, it's better not to miss a nutritious breakfast every day if you want your diet to succeed.

↪ Eat while doing other Activities.
For example, eating while watching television or playing a device. This makes you less focused on food and becomes negligent in determining how much food you eat. Better, set aside 20-30 minutes to eat and enjoy meals so that your diet is successful.
↪ Lack of sleep.
The average adult needs quality sleep for 6 to 8 hours per day so that the body's functions return to maximum. If sleep does not fit the portion, the body will be easily stressed and will produce more fat. Automatically, your diet is very likely to fail.

↪ Sleep in a Hot Temperature Room.
Temperature pressure tends to be less noticed during sleep. The right temperature to support the fat burning process is 17 degrees Celsius. If you sleep with temperatures below 17 degrees, then burning fat will not work.

↪ Sports Before Sleeping.
This is often done by many people. However, if you are on a diet, it is better not to exercise before bed because it makes the body more stressful and instead makes dinner into a pile of fat in the body.

↪ Drinking Too Much Green Tea.
Obviously, green tea is effective for weight loss. However, it is also not good to consume too much green tea because it contains more caffeine than a glass of coffee. Maybe you can drink green tea only in the morning.